Inspiring Community Owned Community
Did you know we live in a prime tea growing region? The climate, elevation and soil of Western North Carolina perfectly suit the cultivation of Camelia sinensis; the plant that all tea (black, green, white etc.) comes from.
This class will explore the how-to’s of tea cultivation in our local WNC bioregion.
This workshop will be taught by Anthony Troia of Red Sun Tea.
Topics covered:
Location: Herron Cove Community in Weaverville, NC (register for address)
Red Sun began growing tea 15 years ago as a hobby and way to make their own tea at home. Their plants did so well that they continued planting until they had a hillside covered in plants and eventually realized they were harvesting much more tea than we could drink thmeselves! They make handcrafted tea. Their garden is located just North of Asheville NC on a steep, southwest facing slope. They use sustainable, eco-friendly methods to grow tea. which is picked, rolled and dried throughout the spring and summer every year. No chemicals are used in the growing or processing of the tea. Through years of dedicated effort they have discovered the best practices and can provide you with the highest quality local tea, plants and seeds.